
Industrial Size 16 Snaps Sets

$ 6.50

By ordering 100 Complete Sets of Industrial Size 16 Snaps you will receive: 200 caps, 100 sockets, 100 studs.
These snaps cannot be applied by using a simple hand tool or plier set, they require the use of a Professional Hand Press and the appropriate Die Set.
Our Exclusive Polyacetal Plastic Snaps have been engineered to be the strongest, most durable snap on the market. They are the only snaps that come with a lifetime guarantee. If you are tired of snaps that crack and break, these snaps are for you.
Our Industrial Snaps have a unique shape that add to their durability and overall tensile strength. Because of this slightly different shape, if you bought your press and dies elsewhere, you'll need to purchase a new socket and stud die to apply these snaps.

Some Common Snap Questions:
Q: You mention that the Industrial Size 16 snaps have a shorter prong, are they still suitable for cloth diaper making?
A: Yes, but I would only use them on newborn or small sizes and not through thick layers.

Q: Can I use Industrial Size 20 sockets and studs with the Industrial Size 16 caps?
A: Yes, but we don't recommend it. The cap prong on the Industrial Size 16 cap is quite a bit smaller and shorter and you may have your snap pieces pop off of the item you have applied them to.

Q: The snaps I already use have a size 16 cap and a size 20 cap but the sockets and studs are the same size. Am I understanding that the Industrial snaps have different sockets and studs for both the size 20 snaps and the size 16 snaps?
A: That is correct, our Standard Snaps are the typical plastic snaps you are probably used to seeing and only have one "standard" socket and stud size for both the size 16 and size 20 caps. Industrial snaps are different, the two different sizes have their own uniquely shaped socket and stud pieces.

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